Kitchen - Bolton Hayley & John

We had already installed three bedroom for our clients, and during that process, had started discussions about transforming the rear of their lovely house into a fabulous kitchen

Originally three separate rooms created during historic extensions, some major structural changes were required to bring their dream to life.

The organic and unhurried design process was essential to inform the complex building works needed for the project to be realised.

We decided to relocate the main part of the kitchen from the largest and most light-filled area, replacing it with a central dining island that is the heart of the newly opened space.

We used subtle painted porcelain shaker doors for the main run of units, and added contrast with a deep green island complemented by a matching feature wall.

Tall appliances and storage units were built along two runs, and all internal drawers and shelving were carefully configured to our client’s specification.

A cross-corner larder unit simply ‘eats up’ those large electric appliances and other bulky items that are essential and need to be accessible, but can be so difficult to store!

The aforementioned building works necessitated several structural pillars and supporting steels to be erected within the room. They were cleverly hidden within and behind the tall units, and are barely visible.

Our meticulous approach, along with the client’s whole-hearted participation in the design process, has created the most wonderful and uplifting space - a perfect balance of form and function. It’s such a practical area for cooking, crafts and homework, and a luxurious yet informal space for dining and entertaining.

Hayley is the queen of storage and takes huge care to make sure the the insides of her cupboards are as beautiful as the outside.

Truly the heart of a wonderful home where family time matters most.